We are a responsible business leading with integrity & transparency, promoting sound governance practices in all our activities. Our governance performance efforts contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goal 16 on Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.
Code of Conduct
We adhere to our Code of Conduct, grounded in our core values of Honesty, Frugality, and Courage.
Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery
We do not authorize nor tolerate any business practice that violates anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws or regulations.
Speak-Up Line
Our Speak-Up Line is available 24/7 to anyone wishing to ask a question or make a complaint.
Business Conduct
Ensuring ethical and transparent governance is vital for building trust and credibility with our stakeholders. It allows us to demonstrate our commitment to integrity and accountability, fostering a culture of openness and responsibility. Transparent governance practices help us effectively manage risks, make informed decisions, and achieve our sustainability goals.
Ultimately, this approach strengthens our reputation and supports long-term success, and at the same time contributes to UN Sustainable Development Goal number 16 on Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.
Our Speak-Up Line
Our Speak-Up Line is our global whistleblower and helpline system. The Speak-Up Line is hosted by an independent external party, ensuring compliance with all local regulations, the General Data Protection Regulation and other privacy regulations. It is operated and monitored by the Corporate Governance Office in line with the Speak-Up Line Policy and Investigation Management manual. Employees, who are asked to help investigate incidents reported into the Speak-Up Line, receive training on how to conduct investigations.
Everyone who makes a report in good faith is guaranteed protection from retaliation and all reports are treated confidentially. The Speak-Up Line is available 24 hours every day of the year. Reports can be filed online or through any mobile browser. The Speak-Up Line is available in local languages and hosted by an independent third party in compliance with local regulations and GDPR.
Training and Awareness
Our values - Honesty, Frugality and Courage - all reflect our commitment to conduct our business fairly and with integrity, to use company assets wisely, and to speak-up when confronted with unethical situations. As such, Embla Medical fully subscribes to Principle 10 of the UN Global Compact: We will work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery. Bribery and corruption are prohibited, and Embla Medical does not authorize nor tolerate any business practice that does not comply with our Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption (ABAC) Policy or law or regulation against bribery and corruption.
All employees have been made aware of our ABAC policy through the Code of Conduct training. Selected groups of employees receive specific ABAC training through live training sessions. In addition to the ABAC policy and training, Embla Medical provides specific training on Competition and Anti-Trust, Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering to selected groups of employees, in line with our key compliance risks.
Data Privacy
To be able to conduct business and provide service to customers, Embla Medical needs to collect and handle personal data. It is Embla Medical‘s priority to treat data with the utmost respect and confidentiality. Most countries have legislation in place requiring companies to handle personal data responsibly and securely.
Our Responsibility Towards Taxation
As tax is an integrated part of business and being a sustainable and responsible taxpayer is part of our corporate social responsibility, these core values and the business integrity and transparency are guiding Embla Medical’s responsibility towards taxation.
Learn more about our Tax Strategy in our latest Annual Report.